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Best Everglades Airboat Tour in Miami


About the Everglades

The Everglades National Park is unique in the world in terms of its vast wildlife and stunningly diverse landscape. Did you know that it is the only subtropical preserve in the whole of North America? From endangered birds you won’t see anywhere else, to small critters, and, of course, gators, you’ll get to experience this all first hand on an Everglade boat ride.

The marine life includes over a staggering 200 000 alligators, so you are sure to get up close and personal with these living fossils (but not too close!) The area is also home to about 28 different snakes, some of which are venomous, and if you are really lucky, you may even spot the beautiful but elusive Florida panther!

The narrow, oft overgrown mangrove tunnels are impossible to access without a boat, and a GPS will do you no good here. Our experienced guides offer you one of the most authentic ways to explore this untamed wilderness and immerse yourself completely. Typically, the airboat ride begins by winding down one of the many canals, and you will have photo ops aplenty to catch the natural wildlife. Gators are sly and quiet, so we will offer tips for spotting them, large or small as well shy, soft-shelled turtles. While the waters are shallow, this is no place for swimming, as we will readily point out.

Then, hold on as the airboat picks up speed and heads for the expanse of grass! What looks like dry land is really just vast wetlands where all sorts of aquatic creatures thrive! Here, the boat is your dry haven, save for a few small islands where raccoons frolic and whitetail deer run wild with boars. The boat lets you get close enough to touch the grass, and who knows, you might even make a new friend – aquatic or otherwise. If you have never been on airboat ride, it is an experience you won’t soon forget.