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Best Everglades Airboat Tour in Miami


You Should Know These Things about the Miami Everglades

Studies show that the Everglades are home to the largest wetlands in the world, but Floridians also feel that the Everglades are among the most stunning places in the sunshine state. We invite you to come and discover the secrets of this iconic spot on earth! If you’re staying in Miami, an exploration of the Everglades by airboat is a must on your to-do schedule.

The Planet’s Largest Wetland

Who would have thought? The Miami Everglades hosts the largest wetlands on the earth! That instantly makes Florida and the Everglades a special and iconic place in the world that you want to go and see and experience for yourself. In addition, the Everglades is home to nine distinct habitats, making it the home to many wild species. The saw grass prairie, the freshwater slough, and the mangrove forest are some of the well-known habits.

Airboat Adventures

To visit and explore every nook and cranny of the Everglades can only be done by airboat. Whether you want to whizz through the wetlands in a 30-minute stint or half a day expedition in the region, you will never leave disappointed.

Your trusted captain and guide are always in information overload mode with credible knowledge about the Everglades and its ecosystems. And as you get in touch with nature, you discover that you are getting in touch with yourself and Whoever created the stunning Everglades