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Best Everglades Airboat Tour in Miami


Know the Everglades

The Miami Everglades is one of the most spectacular places in the state of Florida and is a must-visit if you plan a trip to Miami. Here are some of the things you should know to help you maximize the benefits of your trip to the Everglades Park.

The Largest Wetlands in the World

I bet you didn’t know that the Miami Everglades is host to the largest wetlands in the world! This makes it the home of nine separate habitats and a stunning haven for wildlife and multiple species of animals. The most well-known habitats are the mangrove forest, the saw grass prairies, and the water slough.

Species Indigenous to the Everglades

The Everglades is host to nine different ecosystems, supporting a wide range of life forms, and many of these are found nowhere else in the world. Isn’t that exciting? In addition, animal enthusiasts with their eagle eyes have discovered some rare animals in the Glades, such as the American crocodile, the manatee, and the Florida panther. And here’s a special for you—if you visit in the winter months, you’ll find more than three hundred and sixty bird species migrating to the Everglades to wait out the cold months in the warm and comfortable tropics.

See It All By Airboat

The best way to ensure you miss not a single adventure in the Everglades is to go by airboat. That’s the only way to enjoy every bit of the surrounding nature and immerse in the wonder of such natural beauty. There is so much to see and appreciate, but many people don’t know! The places to really see and feel the magic of the park are blocked off by the water. So go beyond the alluring water slough by airboat and sweeten your adventures. Explore what’s hidden beyond. You’ll find beauty that makes you speechless, the peace that calms your whole being, and nature’s elevation to a higher place.

There is always more than meets the eyes in the Glades. Whether you are doing a one-day tour or a three-day camping experience with a lover, family, or great friends, you will never be disappointed. There is a tour for every type of person. You may have your preferences but dare to venture out beyond what you can see and what you know. Discover and enjoy what’s been handed to you by the Great Nature Creator.